Well I got all my trim on tonite, Heres a corner shot of my stand with the trim done.

and for those wondering what those little white strips are in the corners, I used a 1/8" hard board as spacers between the floor and the bottom of my trim, because the room I'm putting this in has carpet and I wanted some space between the bottom and the trim so the carpet wouldn't over time roll my trim out of square.
here's a closer shot of it.

Well it's time to stain my stand, I went with a "Golden oak" stain made by Minwax, to those that haven't stained before, when applying your stain make sure you apply it with a good even coat, so your stain will penatrate into your wood grain, the longer you leave your stain on the darker your wood will look. if I want to go a little lighter in color I'll stain heavy on the side I'm staining once I'm done with that side I'll wipe it off before I do another side.
if I want the true color of the stain I will stain the whole project I'm working on then when I'm done I'll start rubbing my stain off on the side I stained first.
heres a few pictures of my finished stained stand.