Yikes -24 C. Now that is cold!
Excellent pics! Especially the one of your uncle. I'm sure he would appreciate you posting it!

If I am ever in Canada I will for sure take you up on your offer, but I don't see myself visiting Canada anytime soon.

It has frosted here in FL before but no where near enough to even make a single snowball. Please forgive my ice fishing ignorance but how do you drill a hole through ice that is 3 feet thick? Is that your ice hut? If so, how do you get it to the lake and back? What kind of fish are those? What do you use for bait? Do you bottom fish or fish near the surface? I'll have to add ice fishing to the list of things to do in my life. Seems like fun to pull up a chair next to a hole in the ice and drink beer and catch fish.
I'm plan to go fishing this weekend depending on the tides. I'll bring my camera and snap a feww photos to show you what it is like here.