While looking for some info yesterday I stumbled across these forums. Looks like a lot of good info here so I thought I would join and introduce myself.
I've only been in the saltwater hobby for about 4 months and I can see how addictive it can be. I had a number of freshwater tanks over the years and when the wife and I decided to set up our tank again we decided to try our hand at SW. So, back in September I pulled out my old 60g hex tank and cleaned it up, did a lot of reading and decided to do a FOWLR tank. After filling it with 50 lbs of LR and 40 lbs of live sand I let it cycle for a few weeks and then began stocking with fish and cleanup crew. I had a few snail casualties early on, and lost two fish, which appeared to be more due to fish that were just sick when I got them. I'm much more picky about my selections now.
So the months went by and I kept reading about corals and other inverts. I wanted to get a BTA for my clowns (2 ocellaris). My wife had selected a yellow tang, against my better judgement due to the tank size, and it was starting to get stressed. I finally convinced her we needed to purchase a properly sized tank for the fish and others that we wanted to keep (the hex was too deep for any typical lighting) so it was off to the LFS. Fortunately for me, That Fish Place is only an hour from me so we had lots to choose from. We came home with a 75g perfecto, along with their Sedona stand and canopy. I also bought a Coralife Aqualight with 260 watts.
A little more than a week ago I set up the tank and migrated everything...sand, water, all of it. The move went well and the critters are happy.
Now for coarls...I had already bought a small frag of yellow polyps that declined rapidly in the old tank. In addition, the rock they were on litterally was just falling apart and the fish just destroyed the whole thing. I have maybe one or two polyps left. In addition, a single, solitary button polyp had hitchiked along with the yellows. It seems to be doing well and I am trying hard to pay attention to it so it will start to spread. How does it look?
So, yesterday I went back to TFP and returned something, and I just couldn't resist getting another coral. I figured on something hardy, so I focused on leathers. I bought what was in a tank labled Assorted Finger Leathers. This one had a lot of polyps out, so I brought it home. When I got it home I searched and decided it must be a Blushing Finger Leather. Here's a pic:
Many of the polyps on top did not come out as much as the othere, as you can see. I am wondering if this is because I put it too high up in the tank for now. When I bought it, it was down on the substrate at the store. Thoughts?
Anyway, I'll be posting some pics of the tank over in the more appropriate threads. This is a very interesting hobby that will no doubt have me broke in no time.