Hello. Im new to this forum. Hoping for some positive input and contructive critisism. Im Working for my AS in aquaculture and one course is an entry leve Internship/ on the job training. I luckly have the freedom to choose my own project. Im looking into coral prop. Mainly soft corals such as mushrooms. What would be the best set up? I was thinking of a 20g Long or 15g Long with live sand live rock. Ive looked at a few post so i get the idea that netting or mesh would be the best to hold the coral down.
Do i have to cut the mushroom head in half or just the stalk? Will the stalk that ive cut the head from grow a new head? Do i need to cut the mouth in half as well? I was planning to use power compacts along with coral Vite supplements. Anything else i need besides sissors? are there any mushrooms that do better with this? Any input would be helpful. Would haveing fish in the tank help? Should i wrap the newly cut coral and rock/shell in the net or can i put it in a tupperware container (will they bob/float around?) Thanks!$