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Old 08-14-2005, 01:38 AM   #4
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Ohio
Posts: 6
itZme is on a distinguished road

Wow, that sounds really great to go out and bring your own livestock home with you. I grew up in Florida (Ft. Myers area) and never have even snorkled in the Gulf at Ft. Myers Beach or Sanibel Island. I'm sure there are some great places to collect fish but I was always more interested in catching other things (hint: they walk around in bikinis). I never learned to scuba

Now that I live 1200 miles away in Ohio I really wish I could just go out and net some fish. When I was a kids I used to net guppies, ghost shrimp and lots of crayfish and tiny little flounder. I sold the ghost shrimp to the pet shop to buy gas for my daily water-skiing. (I bought a boat before I had a drivers license)

I lived on the Caloosahatchee River then. I remember waiting for my friend to hit the throttle one day while I was in the water and saw a HUGE fish roll on the surface about 3 feet away from me. I could've probably reached out and touched it if I hadn't been so freaked out. It was a tarpon as they come into the river sometimes.

Anybody want to go diving and grab a box of sand and rock to send me?

I remember catching those horseshoe crabs all the time when I was fishing at the beach. Now I would like a few of the little ones to crawl around in the tank.

I used to go to golf courses on my bike and carry a 5 gal bucket and a 10 ft long net with very fine mesh. I would be able to net pretty guppies and mollies there. My dad had a pair of 55gal tanks on a dual stand and I had the bottom one for myself. I had little tiny bluegill, largemouth bass 2-3" long, sometimes a turtle or two and the guppies and mollies too.

Ok enough babling from me for today. See ya later.

-- itZme
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