Well here I go again, starting another project.
I'm pretty much a DIY hobbyist, I get more out of building something for my tank then going out and buy it plus this way I can build it to my needs and I have the pride of saying I did it myself.
Well to start out I needed to build my stand in a fashion so my sump will fit in my stand, my sump is only a 1/4" smaller then my tank in length, so any stand I would have wanted to buy would not work anyway.
Well here is a shot I took of the material I'll be needing minus the doors.

I cheated this time I bought my doors instead of building them, but at $20 a piece I couldn't of built them for that price.

this is the hindges and handles I picked out.

first off I built the top for my stand and as you can see I plained the jointing edges of any high spots, so top would be perfectly level.