here in this photo you can see adding my valve mod I need to cut out more of the area on the top so my Valve mod with fit.

and in this photo you can see how I have it cut so the valve mod fits in the sump just fine.

and this is a photo that shows how my sump looks so far.

Well to start out, do not let someone help you on your projects when your not there to watch them......:hmmm:
a co-worker of mine stopped by the shop to see how things were going, about that time I got a call about a broken water line and had to go fix it.
my Co-worker said well I'm not doing any thing while your gone you want me to cut the teeth out on your baffle, Knowing he's used a router hundreds of time I said sure.
well the area I had to cut the teeth out was in the center devider of my sump, and I told him the router won't fit in there so you'll have to use my Dremel I told him I have router bits for my Dremel in my case.
and I told him while your at it if you want the teeth in my skimmer area need to be cut down a bit more because I noticed I didn't notch them enough.
well 2 hrs later I came back and just about had a heart attack...