Hello JeffDubya and welcome to Frag Outpost.
Congrats on entering the fantastic world of coral propagation. It sounds like you are off to a great start. If you have your choice between T5HO's and PC's then I would definitely recommend that you go with the T5HO's as they take up less space over the tank (meaning you can add more later on) and they produce much more lumens per watt then the PC's do. Are you planning on keeping the chaeto separated somehow from the main frag tank? This would be the best option is to have a dedicated refugium. As far as fish and critters are concerned, many people go fishless in a prop tank because of the reduced nutrient/fish poo that is accumulated. Herbivorous fish are usually added in a prop tank to keep algae under control. A good candidate for larger prop tanks is a yellow tang but 29 gallons is a little small even for a small yellow tang. Try to make the most out of a good cleanup crew including variuos snails like astreas, neriths, turbos, etc. and some hermits like blue legs or scarlets. If you happen to develop any parasitic or undesirable worms or other crustaceans then a six-line wrasse is always a good choice, but it will not discriminate and will eat good critters like amphipods and copepods as well. Good luck with your new prop tank and keep us updated on your progress.

Pics are always a plus too.