Today, I added the new 40 lbs of live rock to my tank, forcing me to re-aquascape nearly half of the tank. I'll take some pictures tomorrow. During the move, I seem to have lost track of my blenny. I really hope I didn't place one of the big rocks on him or something.

That would be horrible. all of the other fish have appeared except him. Because I was moving so much around. I decided to go ahead and add the hippo tang to my tank. I saw one at the LFS the other day so I went back for it this morning and did the acclimation while I moved the rock around. I also added an orange linkia star and two turtle conchs.
I had read that the hippo tangs are notorious for playing dead during acclimation. Mine was no different. It merely laid on the bottom of the bucket and barely moved for the 3+ hours that I did a drip acclimation. Once in the tank she (Dory, of course) spent the rest of the day hugging the glass as she swam the length of the back of the tank. She also kept doing loops over my veggie clip, pausing to eat occasionally. With the lights out, it seems she found a home.
More to come.