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UNDRWATER 08-17-2006 01:34 PM

Live Rock
how does the live rock filter out the water in the tank? how long should I wait to add rock to a brand new tank?:confused:

Teeka01 08-18-2006 03:19 PM

It should be added from the start. The more cured your rock is the quicker your tank will cycle. If you buy uncured rock it could be up to a month before your tank will be cycled. I bought uncured and it took my tank 2 1/2 weeks. But the rock wasn't in bad shape when I got it.

The water does not filter thru the rock. It is a biological filter. What that means is that It has good bacteria that is already in the rock. This bacteria helps to take the nitrates out of the water. The more porous rock you have the more area for it to do this.

Teeka01 08-18-2006 03:26 PM

I almost frogot the most important thing. Welcome to Frag Outpost.

UNDRWATER 08-19-2006 12:46 AM

Thank you for the welcome, I will start posting pics of the tank in progress< I have already found some aptasia on the rock I put in. Hmmm Joes Juice?? what do you think:confused:

Teeka01 08-19-2006 12:54 AM

You can use joes juice for that. After the tank is cycled get some peppermint shrimp they love them.I had 3 but 1 disappeared on me. They are better in groups of 3. I was told by Frag that they are less shy about being out in the open when there are at least 3 of them. My 2 remaining ones are not shy at all.

Please do post pictures, we love them.

UNDRWATER 08-19-2006 02:25 PM

I would love to post a pic< having trouble uploading.. hmmmm

UNDRWATER 08-19-2006 02:29 PM

By the way, How important s it to get rid of aptasia, what will they kill off? is this a high priority concern?

Teeka01 08-19-2006 02:56 PM

The problem with aptasia is the it reproduces quick. It also will stings any corals that gets near it.

Teeka01 08-19-2006 02:58 PM

You may have to resize the picture smaller and turn it into a gif. I had had to do that too.There is a size limit on what can be uploaded.

UNDRWATER 08-22-2006 08:46 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Joes juice is the BOMB literally, got them all. they duck in after dropping the pay load, and they don't come back out... pretty straight forward...

the water should be cycled or nearly done, I will go in to the shop and have er' tested.. HMMMM what to put in first.. any ideas out there???

here is a first peak at the tank

Teeka01 08-23-2006 11:23 AM

Sweet tank. Is this your first tank? After your tank is cycle you may want to add a clean up crew for the algae outbreak. If you mean corals, Softies are the hardiest for a new tank. After my tank finished cycling I add some zoos, Blushy leather and some mushrooms. You could also add 1 fish. Be sure to map out what fish you want and get the least aggressive first.

UNDRWATER 08-23-2006 07:01 PM

nope this is my second tank, My old tank was a 10 gallon Nano, I had to leave it in New York, moved out to Cally. it was adopted by my brother who is doing a real nice job with it. IT has been going for about 54 years now It just has been so long since I have set one up, it is all slowly coming back to me.. I am starting to get some brown algea on the sand, it has been 8 days since the tank is up, so I added an emerald crab, 4 hermits and three turbo snails.. They went straight to work cleaning the rocks. :)

D12monkey 08-26-2006 09:26 AM

8 days to cycle? That's pretty quick. You may want to keep an eye on your waste levels still... A very close eye.

joey10sl 09-06-2006 12:30 PM

Hows the tank doing now any new corals or fish?

jinenon 11-16-2006 11:28 PM

Is the so called "live rock filtration" system suppose to take care of nitrates?

FragOutpost 11-17-2006 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by jinenon
Is the so called "live rock filtration" system suppose to take care of nitrates?

Yes, anaerobic bacteria that lives in the low oxygen environment of the pores of the rock and also in deep sand beds will consume nitrates in the water column.

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