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foxface 08-05-2006 07:31 AM

Sick yellow tang
My yellow tang has been in QT with cupramine since monday and is doing better in terms of ich, spots are gone, no more scratching, white film on her body and eyes is gone but under a flashlight in the dark I can still see something, maybe scaring or something, it only shows up with a flashlight and it look like tiny specs.
Anyways what is mostly bothering me now is she won't eat, hasn't touched anything in 4 days and for 2 days her mouth wouldn't close!! Today it's almost closed and she looks a little happier.
Also I did a ammonia, nitrate nitrite test and the nitrites were 0.1 on the Seachem test.
Could this be because she is in a 10 gallon tank? I know she's quite big for this tank but that's all I have right now. I went to the LFS and they told me to put in "CYCLE" in a double dose ( I wanted to use prime be he convinced me to use cycle) and I'm doing a 25% water change today but usually it's about 12% every 2 days.
Is there something else wrong with her that I don't see? How can I make her eat?
I hate that I'm putting her through all this horror but I don't want to let her die!!

D12monkey 08-06-2006 09:30 AM

Your tang prob isn't eating due to stress. That's a pretty big water change for a little 10 Gal tank. I would prob due a 10% (1 gal) water change every day.

D12monkey 08-07-2006 03:51 PM

Any progress with the tank?

foxface 08-07-2006 05:01 PM

Well I don't know if I did the right thing but I put her back in the main tank today. She was not responding to anything feeding wise, wouldn't eat at all, is it possible that the food tastes like crap with all the medicine in the water?
Anyway her treatment was cut very short to say the least but I think she wouldn't of made in the qt for much longer. She was throwing herself into the glass and had a terified look in her eyes, maybe my imagination but it did look that way. To sum it up she had 5 days of cupramine at 0.5, then I ran charcoal 24 hours, checked for copper, none left, added nifurpirinol for 24 hours and then decided she had had enough. She looks really good today, all signs of any ick and infection is gone except now (probably from not eating) she seems to be developing HLLE. She ate like a pig all day, she can't seem to get enough. Hopefully it will take care of HLLE...

Teeka01 08-07-2006 10:12 PM

Glad to hear she is doing better.

foxface 08-13-2006 08:47 AM

Just to let everyone know, she is still doing great and eating like a PIG! I did lose 2 fish in this whole ordeal and I was having trouble talkig about it. It really upset me to see them die, it was a horrible thing to watch. I'm down to 3 fish now and will add 1 more a month but I'll be more vigilant about chosing and 'quarantining' :o from now on.

Teeka01 08-13-2006 06:13 PM

I am really sorry about the loss of your fish. I know that is hard I lost a goby, he jumped on me.

foxface 08-13-2006 07:46 PM

He couldn't be saved, being out of water for so short a time? That must of been awful, sorry about your loss too. You wouldn't think a little fish could make such a difference but they do....

Teeka01 08-14-2006 12:41 AM

He didn't literly jump on me, sorry. He was already gone when we found him. Thank you.

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