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foxface 06-27-2006 01:34 AM

Ship to Canada?
Does anyone here ship to Canada?
From what I've been reading the seller would have to be from Canada, is this right?

Teeka01 06-27-2006 06:46 PM

By what I have read it is hard(I think it is illigal) to ship corals from the US to Canada. But don't hold me to it.

foxface 06-27-2006 07:45 PM

Is there someone out there from Canada?

samn691 07-04-2006 04:16 AM

I'm from Canada. I just registered to this site this morning, was thinking of getting myself a few good deals, but aparently no one ships to Canada!

foxface 07-04-2006 06:33 AM

Hi and welcome:)
maybe once we have something big enough to frag we can send each other corals:p
Other than that I don't think the U.S. can ship to Canada, well I'm off the the morning coffee and fish feeding TTYL...

samn691 07-04-2006 03:58 PM

I'd love it if we could, but I'm pretty new so I don't have much:ice:, only a star polyp which isn't doing very well (it got harassed by fireworms:mad: and my clean up crew keeps walking on it:() it's doing better since the fireworm attack thow, a few mushrooms (all red, can't find any other colour at any LFS arround here:mad:, but I have some that are dimpled, some are normal(not dimpled), and some others that are normal and when they shrivel up they are fluorescent(might always be under the right lighting, I got them yesterday)) and I have 2 red polyps(which I also got yesterday). I started my 29G tank in march of this year, never had saltwater before so I'm still learning. Today I'm going to set up a 10G tank to propagate my mushrooms and make my star polyp healthy again (not putting a clean up crew in that tank). I already started to proparate my mushrooms, the cuttings have grown a mouth, they are still very small but they are doing well.
What kinds of corals do you have?

foxface 07-16-2006 02:38 PM

6 Attachment(s)
I don't have that many either. It's such a drag that we can't get any from the U.S.:(
Anyways here's what I have so far. I also have a few of those nasty anemones but they're too small to do anything to yet. I think they hitched a ride with my corals. I guess I will have to let them grow a bit to be able to kill them...

samn691 07-17-2006 02:08 PM

Noce corals! What are they called, I know a few of them, but not all.

Yeah, I have a few aptasias too, but they aren't in the same tank as my corals, they are in an empty tank with only 2 affected rocks. I was trying to kill them with lemmon juice and a pipette from a test kit, but it doesnt always work. I was thinking of trying to inject it directly into them, it would probably work better.

Teeka01 07-17-2006 02:44 PM

Try peppermint shrimp, they love them. They are always gone by the next day. My LFS is infested with them. Or you could get Joe's Juice. You squirt it directly in them.

Teeka01 07-17-2006 03:06 PM

I found a couple websites for you 2 you can get frags from there.I hope this helps some.

samn691 07-28-2006 02:47 AM

Could I put a pepermint shrimp in a 29G with 2 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp? I've bought an other one :). It was a female and the one I had was a male. I bought her while she had eggs, she released them (they were fertilized). Hopefully one or two will survive!

Thanks for the websites Teeka!

samn691 07-28-2006 03:24 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Just to let you know, I got a new star polyp. It is even better looking! The skin is a light pink and the polyps are very green. I got it free from my LFS, but this time it wasn't torn off (well, maybe but a long time before I took it). Its growing with nothing underneath it.

Here is a pic of it closed.
I'll post a pic of it opened tomorow.

Teeka01 07-28-2006 10:49 PM

I am sorry I don't know if the shrimp will mix. I hope this time you have better luck with the star polyps. I love my star polyps. I at first got them cause the hubby liked them.So I got them as a surprise for him.Since they have been in my tank they have totaly taken over the rock they came on. It was about half covered when I got it. Now they when the waves move they move with the waves it is so pretty.

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