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jinenon 05-25-2006 01:27 AM

Premixed Water
I was at my LFS and noticed they have premixed reef water. I know you vets wouldnt do this because you have all the equipment needed to make your own but since i dont have a tap filter, DI, or RO unit im considering purchasing this for .50 a gallon. Is this a reasonable solution to not having your own equipment?

Teeka01 05-25-2006 12:54 PM

That is a good price. Around here it is 1.00 a gallon. And purified seawater is 1.99 a gallon. I am 2 months new, But I still make my own. Make sure it is made with ro/di water.

FragOutpost 05-25-2006 07:57 PM

If your only other alternative is to mix up tap water then I would opt for the premixed from the LFS. Is this fresh premixed saltwater or is it straight out of the tanks at the LFS? This may be a silly question but I have seen water sold straight out of livestock holding tanks before. I would not buy water straight out of a livestock tank because of numerous reasons but most of all because of risk of introducing disease or parasites. Save up for a RO/DI unit and a rubbermaid trashcan. It will be as good of an investment as buying a good skimmer.:)

avbryce1 05-27-2006 02:45 PM

I also use premixed from my LFS

jinenon 05-28-2006 11:51 AM

I believe its straight from the holding tanks because this place is unbelievably huge. They have about 300 bins on the floor and a holding bin thats probably 5,000 gallons and i believe thats where he got the water from. I ran tests on the water before i put it in the tank and it tested good. But, as for parasites that is a good question.....

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