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stephanie 01-30-2006 03:08 PM

Tree Coral Propogation
New to the site. Love it. Anyway, I've had my reef tank for about a year. Last week, I decided it was time to learn to frag. The first thing I did was a purple gorgonian. It went great...Polyps back out in 10 minutes in Mom and baby. Now I tried m tree coral. I basically just cut in in half One side is back to normal (it took half an hour to recoup), but the other half is slouched and the polyps are not fully out.
How long should it take to bounce back?

FragOutpost 01-30-2006 03:18 PM

Hello Stephanie and welcome to Frag Outpost! :)

How long has it been since you fragged the coral?
Soft corals will usually heal within 1-3 weeks granted that your water parameters are good and infection does not set in.

Is the piece that is back to normal receiving more flow?
Try increasing the water flow and see if that helps. Good water flow will help to remove any slime that may be produced from being cut.

stephanie 01-30-2006 03:23 PM

thanks for the quick reply. It has now been about 6 hours. The original is getting more flow. I put the other one in my other saltwater tank which is now my "frag tank". Water parameters are: amonia=0, nitrites=0, nitrates=5 (both tanks are the same). I added iodine to the frag tank.

Thanks for your help. I'm fragging a mushroom tonight, so I'm sure I'll post again soon.

I have quickly become a fragging addict!

FragOutpost 01-30-2006 03:36 PM

It should begin to show signs of improvement over the next few days. Most soft corals bounce back pretty quickly after being cut. Just keep an eye on it over the next few days.

Good luck on fragging your shrooms.
It sure is an addictive hobby! :D

stephanie 02-02-2006 10:24 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Here's a pic of Mom and "Baby" (but really more like siamese twins after surgery).Goes to show how much lighting intensity affects color!

FragOutpost 02-02-2006 10:27 AM

Thanks for posting a photo. What type of lighting is the first one under?

stephanie 02-02-2006 10:31 AM

Power compacts. Probably should increase the lighting in there.

FragOutpost 02-02-2006 10:33 AM

What a difference halides make!

FragOutpost 02-22-2006 09:39 AM

Stephanie - How are the frags doing?

zuksarecool 03-13-2007 06:23 PM

Tree coral prop
first time poster here, I just fraged my first two mushrooms today. The tree coral you were fraging is just like mine and I was wondering how to cut it and then what. It spilts off and it looks like I could cut it right down the middle of the coral to make two but how would you get them seperated off of the one frag plug. I would really like some help and also I just bought some super man mushrooms that are red with blue dots got any idea if these are hard to frag they were expensive and I dont want to cut them if I am going to kill them. I tryed to post pics but I dont know how to shrink the file size they wont let me post them

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