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ssublime99 05-24-2005 01:31 PM

Capnella frags help
I recently got some capnella frags abouth 3 inches in length (2 of them) they are both free floating one i superglued to a rock and the other is still free. Will the one i superglued be ok, i put the glue right on the coral and then to a rock? Thanks for your help.

FragOutpost 05-24-2005 06:13 PM

There is a possibility that the superglue will not hold. Soft corals do not take to the superglue method as well as hard corals do. Soft corals tend to want to slime over. Another option is to shove a toothpick through the base and use a rubber band to hold the toothpick to the rock. Many people get by just using a rubber band to hold the frag to the rock, but if the rubber band is too tight it could wind up splitting the coral in half.

Let me know how it works out for you. Hope this helps!

ssublime99 05-25-2005 10:09 AM

So far they did not stick, so i am trying something else i don't want to stick a toothpick through them yet. I put them in a small tupperware with no top in the tank on some coarse substrate, you think they will eventually attach?

FragOutpost 05-25-2005 07:41 PM

As long as the flow is not too strong eventually the frags should attach, although it could take some time.

D12monkey 05-26-2005 03:51 PM

You could always place the frag between to pieces of rockwork that you would like it to attach too.

ssublime99 05-26-2005 06:06 PM

I di the toothpick method got tired of coming home and seeing them floating around the tank. Oh i have a toadstool leather and it hasn't opened since last saturday, it looks like it is shedding and it is still standing stright up and has good folds in it. I tested my water and there was a trace of ammonia so i did a 10 gallon water change in a 55 tank with 20 gallon sump. I am kinda of worried about it since it has been so long any ideas. I am doing another 10 gallon water change tonight to make sure no ammonia is left.

D12monkey 07-16-2005 10:03 PM

So what's the status on your frags?

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