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foxface 07-25-2006 06:48 AM

Water temperature - cloudy water???
I've had cloudy water for a few days twice now in the past month and I was wondering if a drop in temperature could cause this. Both times the temperature on the day before the cloudiness was around 80-81 f with very clear water, and the next morning the temperature was around 76 and the water was cloudy.

I'm shooting in the dark here cause I checked my water and everything is fine and there's no ammonia, nitrites or nitrates.

I use Kalkwasser for my makeup water but I was told it doesn't cause cloudiness and besides I only use about 1/4 tsp per quart.

I added 60 ml. Seachem reef calcium yesterday morning but the water stayed perfectly clear 'til I went to bed at around 10:00

The last time it happened I thought it was caused by dying spaghetti algae in the sump but my LFS said it would take more than that to cloud 85 gallons of water.

He also said if I add specific chemicals (buffer, builder,calcium etc.) at the same time it could cloud the water but I didn't do that either.

The last time I got cloudy water I did add calcium and then I adjusted my alkalinity about 5 minutes later....but I'm not sure if this would cause 3 days of cloudy water, would it?

Louise :confused:

D12monkey 07-26-2006 07:45 PM


What color is the water? white? yellow? What color of cloudiness?

foxface 07-26-2006 08:31 PM

It was whitish but it cleared last night, probably because of the calcium I added...

D12monkey 07-27-2006 05:00 PM

More than likely.

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