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foxface 06-27-2006 01:42 AM

3 Attachment(s)
Well I'm a newbie and loving it! It's better than watching tv:)
I really think I'm going way too fast but I was ill informed when I started out but have since done lots of research on the net so I hope it all turns out well.
I have a 75 gallon tank, no sump, a Remora pro skimmer, 2 aquaclear 50 powerheads with filter connected to a wavemaker (works really nice),
48" LunarLIGHTS, a fluval 404 (was sold this for nothing:sad: running empty with Rowa Phos only. Also I have almost 80 pounds cured live rock on 80 pounds of crushed coral.
I don't know if I missed anything but that's what I remember so far.

What I mean by started too fast is I already have fish and coral and everything is running perfectly so far.
I've been checking all my parameters often in case something goes wrong but nothing yet, maybe I'm just lucky!

Teeka01 06-27-2006 07:09 AM

Welcome to Frag Outpost. That is a pretty leather you have. Does your clown host in it yet? How old is your tank? How many corals and fish do you have in it?

foxface 06-27-2006 07:35 AM

Almost embarased to say but I jumped into it too fast along with some bad advice and my eagerness.... the tank is 1 month old. I was lucky to get cured live rock so I guess it cycled quickly.
I have:

1 chinese yellow tail damsel 2"
2 clowns
1 baby foxface 2"
1 big coral banded shrimp
1 small cleaner shrimp
1 leather coral
1 waving hand coral
1 green star polyp
1 candy cane that fell apart into 3 sections

I'd love as much input on this as possible because I'd hate to loose any of my critters, it's only been a short while but we've grown pretty attached to these little guys

Teeka01 06-27-2006 07:49 AM

I am also new to the hobby, but just as addicted. You may want to hold off for a while before getting anything else. Let your tank catch up to the bioload. You do have mostly soft corals, which is good. They are the easiest for a new hobbiest. One of your candy canes is bleaching, you will probaly lose it. What is your water parametors?

The real expert, Frag will probaly chime in some help soon.

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