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FragOutpost 02-15-2006 09:20 AM

Anyone using Prodibio? I've been thinking about trying some and wanted to hear about your experience.

D12monkey 02-16-2006 09:44 PM

Hmm sound interesting. Think I might try it. How much are they? Do you know? And how much do you have to order at once? maybe we can get a group buy order in.

FragOutpost 02-16-2006 09:48 PM

My LFS is a becoming a distributor of Prodibio. He is going to contact me whenever it arrives. I have never used it before so I am curious. I was hoping maybe someone who has used it could chime in. I'm not sure how much it will cost. I'll let you know when I find out.

D12monkey 02-16-2006 09:52 PM

Great keep me posted.

FragOutpost 02-16-2006 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by D12monkey
Great keep me posted.

Will Do.

FragOutpost 02-23-2006 09:39 AM

Prodibio will be shipped out to the local distributor on Monday. Not sure when it will arrive but my LFS is taking pre-orders now. I'm planning to drop by there today and reserve mine. I'll be the guinea pig and let you all know about my experience. :)

dickie52 02-23-2006 02:01 PM

I have been planning on getting a 30 pack of the reef booster. I have seen a tank over at RC that uses it. I was plan on getting mine from Rob, over at

here is his pricelist.... de=prod

FragOutpost 02-23-2006 02:07 PM

I was just at Rob's today and prepaid for the BioKit Reef. It should be in sometime soon. Can't wait to try it out. I'll keep you all updated. :)

dickie52 02-23-2006 03:31 PM

When you go in again, ask him when he is going to post the zoo frags....

Tell him Dickie52 from NY wants to know..... :p :p

FragOutpost 02-23-2006 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by dickie52
When you go in again, ask him when he is going to post the zoo frags....

Tell him Dickie52 from NY wants to know..... :p :p

Actually I asked him about that today. He said that he will have his site updated very soon.
Rob always has the best zoanthids selection at the best prices.

FragOutpost 03-09-2006 05:25 PM

5 Attachment(s)
Went by and picked up the Prodibio from Rob's Reef today. The packaging and vials were smaller than I had expected. I used a quarter below to give a good idea of size proportion. I also got a nitrate test kit to at least try and track some of my results. I plan on doing a little tank maintenance later and start dosing later this evening. Rob said that I should get about three months worth out of what is shown below. Now on to the pictures -

D12monkey 03-09-2006 07:23 PM

LOL ohh it's French Don't want anything to do with it anymore. LOL

Please keep me informed as to how well it works.

FragOutpost 03-09-2006 07:59 PM

Don't get me started on the French. :D

FragOutpost 03-10-2006 01:39 PM

Anyways, I started dosing the prodibio last night and the skimmer went crazy. The initial nitrate test was not as bad as I had expected. I must admit that I have been overfeeding the past couple of weeks so I expected high nitrates. I was also having a minor problem with my skimmer pump so I had unplugged it for 2 days before starting the prodibio. Initial nitrate test was between 20-30. I cleaned out the skimmer last night and emptied about a pint and a half of very wet skimmate about 14 hours later.

D12monkey 03-10-2006 03:15 PM

WOW... I usually dump about a gal a week of that junk. My little Jebo is out preforming units several times more expensive.

FragOutpost 03-10-2006 04:43 PM

A gallon a week seems like a lot to me and I skim pretty wet. How dark is your skimmate? Mine is usually a tea color. It is much lighter after dosing the prodibio.

Peterock 03-10-2006 04:52 PM

How much is this stuff going for looks interesting i might have to give it a try...

FragOutpost 03-10-2006 04:58 PM

Here is the price list - de=prod

I just started prodibio yesterday so it is way too early to see the results, if any.

Teeka01 03-11-2006 11:41 AM

It looks like to me the Bio Trace would help with a cycling tank. What do you think?

FragOutpost 03-11-2006 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by Teeka01
It looks like to me the Bio Trace would help with a cycling tank. What do you think?

I think the Bio Trace is food to help spur the bacteria growth.
Bio Digest is the actual bacteria.

Teeka01 03-22-2006 11:02 AM

Frag, Have you noticed any difference in your tank since you started to use this?

EvilTwin 03-22-2006 11:14 AM

Mark Melev is starting this as well:

FragOutpost 03-22-2006 11:22 AM

I'm almost at week two which means that I will be dosing another dose of biodigest very soon. So far I have noticed enhanced protein skimming, lower nitrates, and some of my macro is begining to be affected. Though it is still too soon to make any difinitive conclusions. I'm not sure that I will continue using prodibio after my supply runs out as I kind of enjoy having macro algae in my refugium.

Teeka01 04-18-2006 08:21 AM

Any Difference in your corals yet?

FragOutpost 04-18-2006 10:22 AM

Some corals have improved in color over the past 5 weeks and almost all have increased in growth. It is difficult to tell how much is a direct result of the prodibio though. My macro has definitely shown signs of declining. Since starting the prodibio I have also started siphoning a few cups of sand off of the top layer of my sandbed. Over the next few months I plan to slowly take it down to about an inch and then build it back up with fresh sand. After five years there has been a lot of buildup. When I started the prodibio I started doing 5 gallon water changes 4-5 times a week, so almost every day. I have changed my routine and started changing 30 gallons per week instead which I think is much better in terms of water parameter stability.

So to sum it up and answer your question, Yes I think the prodibio is working but it is difficult to get a direct measurment of the results. Prodibio is not a fix all solution to my nutrient problems but I think it is one prong in a multi pronged attack to reduce my nutrient levels. :)

D12monkey 07-07-2006 10:16 PM

So what's your conclusion on the use of prodibio? Your supply run out?

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