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EvilTwin 06-03-2006 04:35 PM

The free digi frag that I got a while back does not appear to be growing well. In fact, I almost can't tell if it is still alive or not. It's so hard to see any polyps but it looks like something is there:

My blushing finger leather has receded a little as well, I think due to a lack of flow. I've fixed that so we'll see how it does now:

EvilTwin 06-03-2006 04:36 PM

The xenia that I had has all but died off. It still manages to stay around and I'm hoping it will get better:

So that's where I'm at right now. Water parameters seem to be as they should be. I suspect the slime outbreak had some negative effects on the tank but now that it is under control I hope things will improve. More to come. Suggestions always welcome.

FragOutpost 06-06-2006 09:13 PM

Glad to see that you have your sump setup in the other room. Your setup looks great. I wish that I had enough room on the other side of my tank but on the other side of the wall that my tank backs up to is a hallway.
The digi and xenia are looking a little rough. Xenia is pretty resiliant and can recover in the right conditions but the digi looks like it is beyond hope. What is your ph and alk at? The leather is looking great though.

EvilTwin 06-06-2006 09:47 PM

I have found what might be the reason for my problems, but I don't know what the cause is. I did water tests yesterday. I'll admit I have been lax in testing but my water quality has usually been good, until now. My nitrates are testing above 20 for the fist time since having a SW tank. Up until now I never had more than a 5 ppm reading. Funny thing is, I would think adding a sump and doing all these things would improve the tank, but it had got worse.

So today, I did a 10g water change but the nitrate reading has not budged, and actually looks worse. I am mixing another 10g tonight to do another change tomorrow. I'm using DI water with no nitrate reading, so it's not coming from the water source. I suspect it is coming from the feedings. I was feeding every day and feeding flake. Only as much as they would eat in a few minutes and a veggie strip for my tang.

I fear the digi is all but dead. I took a good look at it tonight but could see no polyps. I moved it to a position that is easier to see in the tank. I will check it again tomorrow. The xenia has just been hanging on, barely. I'm really worried about my new additions, although the Kenya Tree looked really good today I worry that it will deteriorate if I don't fix the water parameters.

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