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Symbiosis 06-24-2006 03:53 AM

So firefighting is out as I haven't gotten any replies from anyone seeing as they are all out in the field... really wish I had known about it back in January. Oh well, just means my tank will be up and running that much faster. It's 2:40 a.m. and I can't seem to sleep so I thought I would re-list my updated equipment wish list to see what everyone thinks. Here goes nothing...

-IceCap 660 T5HO Retro Kit with SLR's
-2 Aqua Blue bulbs, 2 aqua blue+ bulbs

-26 lbs live rock
-50-60 lbs DIY base rock
-Carbon in sump

-ASM G2 or G3 if I can fit it under my stand

-Compartment for skimmer, heater, pump for RDSB, small fuge, return area

-Mag 9.5 or Mag 12 for return, run through a SCWD with a total of 4 locline outputs
-Mag 9.5 running a closed loop with an additional 4 outputs

-False Percula Clown, Yellow Tail Damsel, 3 Zebra Dartfish, Yellow Tang, Foxface Rabbitfish, Mandarin Dragonet after 6 months, Tridacana Deresa, 2 Cleaner Shrimp, 20 Trochus Snails, 20 Nassarius Snails

-GSP, Hammer, pulsing xenia, green striped mushrooms to start, move towards a more SPS dominated system as the tank matures

Symbiosis 09-09-2006 01:06 AM

After three months im finally getting the ball rolling on setting up my 75gal. So far I've finished the sump and completed the drain line plumbing. I also purchased 30lbs of sugar sized aragonite, a skimmer, and filled the tank up with water. Below are some pics of what I've done so far.

Drain line


Full tank


Next week I'll be ordering the pumps for the return and closed loop. The week after that I plan on getting at least a small clean up crew and live rock. Lights will be the last addition before I start focusing on stocking the tank.

Some things that have changed from my original plan include the pumps and the skimmer. I went with a PCI NW250 over an ASM as they are built much stronger and offer the same perfomance. The pumps will now be a OR 2500 for the return (650 gph) and OR 6500 (1700 gph). Also, I decided to use less rock in the tank, so I will probably have close to 60 lbs of true live rock and only a little base rock.

joey10sl 09-10-2006 08:50 PM

cant wait to see it stocked but i bet your walet can!ha keep us updated

Symbiosis 09-10-2006 11:21 PM

Yeah, lately it seems as soon as I get paid I'm broke again... but it will be worth it. The lights are the last really expensive part. After that it will just be a little every once in a while till I get the fish I want. Coral will be spendy, but Christmas is coming :)

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