11-03-2006, 12:08 AM
OK... so I am stuck with a 29 gallon “display” tank. Heh, don’t laugh... I’m making the best with what I have got.
However, I may be catching the frag bug. I’ve sliced and diced some mushrooms as well as some xenia, and it’s really cool. I have access to some gear that is pretty darn cheap that would be perfectly suited for a prop tank, and here’s what I am thinking.
Two 29 gallon tanks. In the top tank, I would build a box frame out of PVC and set some egg crate on top of that. That would be my growing platform. I could even do multiple levels to acclimate stuff before moving it out, or giving critters different light levels. Under the egg crate, I could place a bunch of live rock, or just save that for the sump. Either way, natural filtration and a lot of it, plus I could mix in some aragocrete or lace rock and basically be culturing live rock at the same time I am providing natural filtration.
In one or both of the tanks, some Chaetamorpha to keep down the phosphates and nitrates.
I would have a protien skimmer.
For lighting, two light hoods with actinic/T5 or actinic/PC combos. Plenty of light. Which is better, T5 or PCs? I do have the option of metal halides, but I think the added cost would not be justified, as the lower cost lighting solution might work better.
And then... critters? Should I have anything in there besides what I am culturing? A cleanup crew, perhaps? Fish? I’m not sure why I would want fish... wouldn’t they only add expense, and add wastes that I really don’t need?
I would REALLY appreciate input on this. I’m a little ADD... and I tend to get crazy and follow things on a whim before I have thought things out completely (e.g. marraige, a dog, a kid, a marine aquarium, a house, etc... :D )
OK. Bring it on. I’m ready.
However, I may be catching the frag bug. I’ve sliced and diced some mushrooms as well as some xenia, and it’s really cool. I have access to some gear that is pretty darn cheap that would be perfectly suited for a prop tank, and here’s what I am thinking.
Two 29 gallon tanks. In the top tank, I would build a box frame out of PVC and set some egg crate on top of that. That would be my growing platform. I could even do multiple levels to acclimate stuff before moving it out, or giving critters different light levels. Under the egg crate, I could place a bunch of live rock, or just save that for the sump. Either way, natural filtration and a lot of it, plus I could mix in some aragocrete or lace rock and basically be culturing live rock at the same time I am providing natural filtration.
In one or both of the tanks, some Chaetamorpha to keep down the phosphates and nitrates.
I would have a protien skimmer.
For lighting, two light hoods with actinic/T5 or actinic/PC combos. Plenty of light. Which is better, T5 or PCs? I do have the option of metal halides, but I think the added cost would not be justified, as the lower cost lighting solution might work better.
And then... critters? Should I have anything in there besides what I am culturing? A cleanup crew, perhaps? Fish? I’m not sure why I would want fish... wouldn’t they only add expense, and add wastes that I really don’t need?
I would REALLY appreciate input on this. I’m a little ADD... and I tend to get crazy and follow things on a whim before I have thought things out completely (e.g. marraige, a dog, a kid, a marine aquarium, a house, etc... :D )
OK. Bring it on. I’m ready.