04-26-2006, 02:27 PM
I just thought I would share with everyone that my single green button polyp has finally formed a new bud which seems to be growing daily. I'm sure that for many of you this is a common occurrance but for me it is rather exciting to watch. Since this was the only one of these polyps that hitchhiked in with my yellow polyps. It will be nice to have more than one to feed now. I have been giving the polyp some of the plakton I was giving to my yellow polyps. Maybe that has helped with the reproduction.
In addition, my colony of yellow polyps is also starting to grow. I had pegged this colony for being a goner when the original colony of 20+ polyps was reduced to 6 before I figured out they needed to be fed by hand. Two of the six have started to spawn new polyps which also grow daily.
Just wanted to share the joy!
In addition, my colony of yellow polyps is also starting to grow. I had pegged this colony for being a goner when the original colony of 20+ polyps was reduced to 6 before I figured out they needed to be fed by hand. Two of the six have started to spawn new polyps which also grow daily.
Just wanted to share the joy!