View Full Version : Mushroom Propagation
01-31-2006, 04:46 PM
I was fragging some mushrooms to give to a local reefer and decided to blow the dust off of my camera and take some photos.
01-31-2006, 08:50 PM
you make it look so easy! How do you keep them from curling up?
01-31-2006, 09:20 PM
How do you keep them from curling up?I try to cut the shroom as far down the stalk as possible when removing it from the rock. They really don't curl up on me too bad.
Capt. Sean South FL
04-28-2006, 02:10 PM
Hello, I have found this to be the case with my mushrooms as well. So, what I did was, I used my 12" tweezers and put them underneath the mushroom so it was in the middle with the (wings) flapping over the tweezers then I gently lifted them to force the mushroom to a semi closed position and cut the base then. It works most of the time.
Hope this helps!
04-28-2006, 10:01 PM
Welcome Capt Sean and thanks for the great tip! :)
09-05-2006, 01:25 PM
Today im feeling brave and im planing to propaguate one of my mushrooms.The mushroom im going to do is kinda "stealing" the spotlight from my other 2 mushrooms next to it. Ill be sure to tell you how it goes!
Ill post a picture before i propagupate it, feel free to comment or point something out if im doing it wrong.
09-05-2006, 02:09 PM
The mushroom....well didnt turn out tooo well. i barely got a pice of the mouth in on each of the 2 pieces... What are the chances they will survive?
Ill attach a pictur of the used tools and of the new somewhat halves.(the white sticks are holding the mushrooms to a branched live rock)The mushrooms are at the end of the stick andre are a light green, srry about the photo quality!
09-06-2006, 01:17 PM
I have never seen them attached that way. Have you ever tried the bridel vail method?
09-07-2006, 05:51 PM
The sticks will probably not hold them in place for very long. I think you will have much better success using some bridal veil, but please post your results.
Website host (
09-07-2006, 08:01 PM
Funny you say that you dont think it will hold..... this moring...the frags are gone, probably drifted away:(all the nerviousness of proagupating it ends kinda bad...ill be sure to try again soon.
I also have a question what is the best way to make a frag of xenia , or is a mushroom easier???:oneeye:
Thanks for the advice, and today i got some bride vail for my next attempt
09-07-2006, 08:38 PM
Mushrooms tend to slime over quite a bit and will usually not stay in place while using the toothpick or rubberband method. I have only had success using veil or mesh or by using a very tall container with some rubble.
Here is an interesting thread about propagating xenia -
be sure to watch the video.
Oregon Dispensary (
09-12-2006, 12:19 PM
i have seen them fragged and put into one of those green strawberry baskets
02-21-2007, 09:37 AM
Funny you say that you dont think it will hold..... this moring...the frags are gone, probably drifted away:(all the nerviousness of proagupating it ends kinda bad...ill be sure to try again soon.
I also have a question what is the best way to make a frag of xenia , or is a mushroom easier???:oneeye:
Thanks for the advice, and today i got some bride vail for my next attempt
Thanks!put some small(<1inch)shells or coral rubble around the xenias base - it will creep onto the other rocks,then you can stretch it -i let the frag i want to make hang on its own weight -make sure it wont fall far though-then it will drop on its own with no tissue damage - this process takes about a week
04-15-2007, 02:07 PM
How did you cut it away from the rock? I am planning on doing this too! Also can you make more than one frag out of a mushroom?
05-12-2007, 06:54 PM
to get the mushrooms from floating away get a tal cup such as a yogurt cup or cottage cheese cup. Empty containers (eat the food) then wash out with warm water no soap. Fill the bottom of the container with some crushed coral (small sea shells ect.) fill the bottom. Fill the cup with tank water place the cuttiings in the cup. Then comes the hard part put the cup in the tank trying to get the frags to stay were you want them with tweezers. place the cup in an area with little or no current. Leave for 2 weeks or until your frags grow a foot and stick. Do not cuver the top of the container with netting just cuts down on lighting. The cups sides should be tall enough to prevent frags from floating away as long as their is little or no current. Good Luck.
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