01-31-2006, 01:08 PM
Okay, this is not a "question", "tip", or whatever the third thing was, but a slightly humerous horrid story. I decided to try to frag a mushroom. I had 2 big ones a medium one and 2 tiny ones. It had been my plan to chop one of the big ones. Obviously, that was the best choice. But then I noticed that one of the tiny ones had its base stretched to about an inch. I bought it last week and it was attached to both a shell and a rock. Well, he musst have been in too high of flow because the rock was an inch away from the shell and the poor guy was all stretched! I totally knew that if I just left him, he would be fine and might even split on his own. But, alas, it was too tempting. So, I took him out and prepared to cut.
That slimy little guy felt the razor before it even touched him! Detached from the rock and got small. Still, I couldn't leave well enough alone and I cut what I hoped was in half. It wasn't. It was more like a quarter with no mouth...
Wait, it gets worse. So I acclimate the two pieces to my frag tank, do an iodine dip, etc. I had a container with a fishnet over it. I read the post on here about the little guys floating away, so I was very careful. But, not careful enough. The container was bigger than I thought it was and I had to tilt it to get it past a rock. The biggger guy who was still attached to the shell slipped right out and under a rock!
Even then I was thinking that if i just left him, he would be fine. But again, I couldn't leave well enough alone. So I lift the rock and all the other rocks tumble down! Now I have my container floating around in the water and a plume of under-rock crap messing up the water!
I finally find the shell guy and get him back into the container.
Everything seems to be okay now.
My levels are fine, but I did a little water change anyway. The shrooms seem okay...
Well, it was one heck of a mushroom fragging experience...
That slimy little guy felt the razor before it even touched him! Detached from the rock and got small. Still, I couldn't leave well enough alone and I cut what I hoped was in half. It wasn't. It was more like a quarter with no mouth...
Wait, it gets worse. So I acclimate the two pieces to my frag tank, do an iodine dip, etc. I had a container with a fishnet over it. I read the post on here about the little guys floating away, so I was very careful. But, not careful enough. The container was bigger than I thought it was and I had to tilt it to get it past a rock. The biggger guy who was still attached to the shell slipped right out and under a rock!
Even then I was thinking that if i just left him, he would be fine. But again, I couldn't leave well enough alone. So I lift the rock and all the other rocks tumble down! Now I have my container floating around in the water and a plume of under-rock crap messing up the water!
I finally find the shell guy and get him back into the container.
Everything seems to be okay now.
My levels are fine, but I did a little water change anyway. The shrooms seem okay...
Well, it was one heck of a mushroom fragging experience...