11-19-2004, 07:19 AM
hello everyone,
I found your site while searching around the internet. I have had 2 nano-reefs for about a year and I am loving every minute of it. I have had salt fish-only tanks, but that was about 10yrs ago. Needless to say the reef portion of this hobby has come a long way. Anyway, after having some SPS for about 6mths now, I accidentally broke off a peice (oops). :o Well I decided to glue it down in another spot just to see what happened. The peice took off
! I now have another beautiful peice of SPS in my show tank, and a big interest in farming coral...
Since i am new to this any reco's are welcome. Here is what I have set up so far:
1 - 5gal AGA
1 - 10gal AGA
1 - 400w MH - Suspended 2' above both tanks
2-3 inch Sand bed in each
Heaters and Powerheads in both.
Small Peices of (.5lbs) of Live Rock in each.
Small whisper filters in each.
here are some of my questions:
1.Should I put a clean-up crew in each off these tanks?
2.Should I run carbon in these tanks?
3. Is 400w MH too much (Will it burn out any softies)? Should I downgrade the bulb to 200W?
4. Should I run actinics?
5. Whats the best light cycle?
:cool: :cool:
I found your site while searching around the internet. I have had 2 nano-reefs for about a year and I am loving every minute of it. I have had salt fish-only tanks, but that was about 10yrs ago. Needless to say the reef portion of this hobby has come a long way. Anyway, after having some SPS for about 6mths now, I accidentally broke off a peice (oops). :o Well I decided to glue it down in another spot just to see what happened. The peice took off
! I now have another beautiful peice of SPS in my show tank, and a big interest in farming coral...
Since i am new to this any reco's are welcome. Here is what I have set up so far:
1 - 5gal AGA
1 - 10gal AGA
1 - 400w MH - Suspended 2' above both tanks
2-3 inch Sand bed in each
Heaters and Powerheads in both.
Small Peices of (.5lbs) of Live Rock in each.
Small whisper filters in each.
here are some of my questions:
1.Should I put a clean-up crew in each off these tanks?
2.Should I run carbon in these tanks?
3. Is 400w MH too much (Will it burn out any softies)? Should I downgrade the bulb to 200W?
4. Should I run actinics?
5. Whats the best light cycle?
:cool: :cool: