View Full Version : D12monkey's tank equipment
10-28-2005, 06:39 PM
Here's a list of the equipment found on my tanks. I'll start with the easy one first.
My 2.5 Gal tank:
Tank: 2.5 gal Walmart $24.95 acrylic special Blue base and I painted a ford blue backdrop.
Light: Tops 16W PC Bulb and fixture ($25 at LFS).
Circulation: Catalina mini pump ($13 at LFS)
Filtration: No name filter (Ebay 1.99 special $5.25 total including shipping) sized to aquariums up to 30 gals. Also about 8 lbs of live rock and 5 lbs of live sand.
10-28-2005, 07:11 PM
Think I'll do my 55 Gal since it'll be less equipmet than the last tank.
Tank: 55 Gal 1990 tank bought used on ebay for $400.00. Came with overlfow, Wet/dry, skimmer, livestock, Cheasy Strip light, liverock, and livesand.
Lights: Upgraded to 65W PC 50/50 bulbs and ballast. Ballast cost $25 x 2 to power all the lights. The bulb were purchased on Ebay 12 for $40.00. Got an awesome deal great buy for the spares too.
Circulation: I chose to use a Squid SCWD ($30 Ebay) ran inline to my Mag 9.5 ($40 Ebay) return pump on 1 in plumbing.
Filtration: 80 lb of liverock (40 from Japan $300, 40 from fiji $220), 50 lb Livesand, 300 gal Wet/dry filter with 15 lb of bioballs.
Other equipment: Red Sea Berlin tubro skimmer, lifegard 25W UV sterilizer ($140), Red Sea Ozone Generator ($40).
10-28-2005, 07:36 PM
Finally my 29 Gal reef.... Most amount of equipment.
Tank: Display (29 gal obtained from friend - Free), Refugium #1 (30 gal tal), Refugium #2 (20 Gal long) both refugium purchased as a complete system for $40 on ebay. Refugium #1 was display and refugium #2 was refugium/sump.
Lights: Long list here... Over Display... 1 - 250W 20,000 Kelvin Metal Halide ($179 Retrofit). 4 - 75W 24 in Actinc VHOs ran by Ice 430 ($200 total). 2 - 10,000 Kelvin T5 14W 24 infixture ($42 total) , 2 - Actinic T5 14W 24 in Fixtures ($42 total). Over Refugium #1 - 2 65 W PC bulbs on Workhorse 5 ballast ($40 total). Over Refugium #2 - 2 36W Tops fixture (free)
:eusa_thin WOW didn't realize how much lighting I have... No wonder the electric bill is so high. :D
Circulation: Same as the 55 Gal. A squid on a mag 9.5 on 1 in plumbing.
Filtration: Here's a biggy. 60 lb of liverock on display (Prob $250 purchsed in pieces), 30 lb of live sand on display (Free beach), 60 lbs of live rock (came with tank and some from the 55 Gal deal) on refugium #1, 40 lb of live sand on refugium #1 (came with tank), macro algae on refugium #1 ($5.00 reefcentral guy), 30 lb of live rock on refugium #2 (Came with tank), 30 lbs of live sand on refugium #2 (came with tank), Macro Algae on refugium #2 (Graft from Refugium #1), mangrove stalks on Refugium #2.
Other Equipment: Natural Reef 2 channel Doser ($50), Jebo Skimmer ($25), Tetra tec 500 Hang on filter without media or filter and with enclose heater ($70), 1/3 horse power Prime chiller ($459 just arrived today).
10-28-2005, 08:00 PM
That's a lot of equipment you have there. How is your 2.5 gallon doing? I haven't seen any photos for a little while.
Hmmm...let's see. On my 75 gallon tank I have -
20 gallon rubbermaid sump with chaeto and some 13watt screw type pc floodlights.
circulation - rio 2500 for the return pump (sigh, I know rio sucks. As soon as this pump craps out I will switch to a mag.)
Tunze 6060. Will add another tunze in the future.
Skimmer - sealife systems IS200
Lights - 2 - 175 watt halides XM 10K
and 2 - URI 110 watt actinic vho's
I just got a used coralvue 250 watt electronic ballast and a used 250 watt XM bulb. I think it is a 15K. It is collecting dust right now unitl I decide what to do with it. I got them for free so you can't beat the price!
4" DSB - 50% aragonite live sand and 50% fine grain white sand
Liverock - lots of tampa bay saltwater liverock and lots of aragocrete. Not sure of the total lbs though. I would actually like to remove some rock from my tank. I think I actually have too much for my liking.
If could do it all over again I think I would do almost all aragocrete and cook about 20 lbs of liverock for seed.
Every now and then I will hook up an aquaclear power filter full of carbon as well if the water is looking a little less than clear.
10-28-2005, 08:05 PM
LOL IF I had to redo everything, I'd Get one humungus 500+ tank and most of the same equipment.
10-28-2005, 08:06 PM
Definately do the chiller a heck of a lot sooner. It's much quieter than running the fans.
10-28-2005, 10:32 PM
Liverock - lots of tampa bay saltwater liverock and lots of aragocrete. Not sure of the total lbs though. I would actually like to remove some rock from my tank. I think I actually have too much for my liking.
LOL if you do let me know I still need some more for my 29 I want to pack my fuges up with live rock.
10-29-2005, 07:17 AM
I think when I rearrange my 75 gallon I am going to pull at at least 10, maybe 20 pounds of rock out. I'm trying to get away from the "pile of rocks look", if you know what I mean.
I have an empty 20 gallon tank laying around that would work as a good prop tank with the 250 halide. I'll throw some of the extra rock in there. If there is any left over after that then you are welcome to it. :)
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