06-26-2005, 10:45 AM
I got in last night from my extended trip to Brazil. Only to find out my 55 gal FOWLR tank crashed on me. It was completely encrusted with cyanobacteria and lost almost everything. Only 3 fish survived. :crybaby2: The salinity on my that was 1.09 SG. Lost all inverts in the tank and my tasmanian damsel. Now I have to completely take the tank down and start over.
My lionfishes are in my refugium in my reef tank now untill I can cycle the tank again. Just :angry4: me. Friend forgot the RO water switch in the on postion. Flooded the house too. Pumped over 50 gals into the house floor.
In total I lost 5 fish from my tanks. Plus numerous amounts of Inverts.
My lionfishes are in my refugium in my reef tank now untill I can cycle the tank again. Just :angry4: me. Friend forgot the RO water switch in the on postion. Flooded the house too. Pumped over 50 gals into the house floor.
In total I lost 5 fish from my tanks. Plus numerous amounts of Inverts.